I have found that Arginine supplementation makes me calmer and more relaxed at the same time as making me more alert. Last Saturday I was driving from York and stopped at 11 p.m. at Newport Pagnell for a Pink Drink. The journey took well over 5 hours thanks to the state of our motorways, but I ended the journey feeling more alert than when I started.
These features of L-arginine have been noted in my previous news items. The relaxation aspect extends to headaches. I have come across examples of supplementation ameliorating, or preventing, headaches. Here for example is the testimonial of Ms E of Hove:
"I am 33 years old and have 3 children, my life is very demanding and hectic as you can imagine. Ever since I was a teenager I suffered from extremely painful headaches, which were sometimes followed by sickness. As I got older, in my twenties I had them more often and they gradually got worse than ever. They totally controlled my life. I went to bed with a headache and woke up with one. My days started with Paracetemol and ended with Ibroprufen I had to sleep for at least 1 hour as soon as I got home from work, before even speaking to anyone and saying “honey I’m home” I did not have a life, my family life suffered and I could not enjoy watching my children grow, it had made my life a misery. I was in a bad mood most of the time and was totally dissatisfied as I was incapable of doing anything. My energy levels were so low that I even felt a need to use the car to get to the newsagent on the top of the road, 200 yds away. I put weight on as I was so inactive and then I was even more unhappy, it was a vicious circle that I was stuck in, I never left my house without pain killers and all along I was poisoning myself day by day. Then, my friend of 12 years called me. He knew of my illness and he suggested I try the Arginine and Micro Nutrition product. I was taking the product for 5 days before I realized that during those 5 days I did not have a headache!! I also have incredible energy levels, I run around all day long. I now love walking and have enrolled in the gym (which is unheard of) I have my own business a house full of people 2 demanding young boys and a 1 yr old girl who requires my attention 24/7. I have also lost weight without even trying to and people have noticed. My skin looks and feels totally different and for the first time in my life I actually FEEL healthy. I wake at 7 am now with no problem and I feel focused and clear minded all the time. Since taking the products I’ve not had one headache and I can say it has changed my life and my kids are very happy with their new mum!! I feel fantastic!!"
Likewise professional practitioners use Ark 1 as a successful treatment for headaches. For instance, the leading naturopath Dr Roderick Lane, writes on his website:
(rodericklane.co.uk/page16.htm) “I have had particular success using ARK1 from Arkworld with client management of migraine. Arkworld are a small nutrition company with some of the most amazing products in the field of nutrition today.”