A study by Professor Samuel Preston of the University of Pennsylvania published in the journal PNAS suggests that those who have been obese and who manage to regain normal weight do not return their life expectancy to pre-obesity levels. Previously obese people "carry their histories around with them."
The study finds that persons over 50, who have returned from obesity to normal weight are about 60% more likely to die over the next eight years than those who have no history of obesity.
As the study itself stresses losing weight is not to be discouraged. However, the key point is that obesity causes illnesses, such as type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Indeed, these afflictions are a perfect storm. Obesity causes oxidization, type 2 diabetes causes oxidization, oxidization caused cardiovascular disease and cardiovascular disease leads to type 2 diabetes and often obesity. The causes of obesity, such as sugar, starchy carbohydrates, processed food, lack of exercise are also causes of oxidization of cholesterol in the arteries.
The conclusion must be that shedding weight should be accompanied by good nutrition. Good nutrition includes good supplementation, including anti-oxidants. Above all the message of these blogs is that a good form of L-arginine is the key to reversing the effects of previous oxidization, whether due to previous obesity or other causes. For those, who are obese, the reason to flush their arteries with Arginine Derived Nitric Oxide (ADNO) is just as compelling.