
  • Dementia and Alzheimer's and a Recommendation of L-arginine.

    Staying afloat

    An informal news letter with scientific information and snippets for Arkworld distributors.

    The Naturopath



    The sins of the fathers - Pesticide in dementia link

    DDT has been banned for decades, but it was once so widely used that you've almost certainly been exposed. While there is a world wide ban on DDT, in some poorer areas of the world it is still used, poverty and the need to eat is not respectful of rules and regulations.. The inevitable consequence of the past widespread use of DDT is that you probably  have some DDT residue in your body right now.  DDT is notorious for entering into the food chain and was responsible for the near extinction of several species of animals, its effect will be felt for many generations to come. DDT breaks down into DDE, Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (DDE) is a chemical compound formed by the loss of hydrogen chloride (dehydrohalogenation) from DDT, of which it is one of the more common breakdown products. DDE is fat soluble which tends to build up in the fat of animals. Due to its stability in fat, DDE is rarely excreted from the body, and body levels tend to increase throughout life. The major exception is the excretion of DDE in breast milk, which delivers a substantial portion of the mother's DDE burden to the young animal or child. Alzheimer's patients have 3.8 times the blood levels of DDE when compared to patients the same age who have no signs of cognitive problems. The link works the other way, too: Patients with the highest blood levels of DDE also have four times the risk of Alzheimer's disease. Animal studies have shown that DDT can cross the blood-brain barrier. We also know that DDT seems to cause amyloid beta plaques, or the build ups found in the brains of dementia and Alzheimer's patients. The higher your levels of DDT, the more plaques you have, the more plaques you have, the more likely you are to plunge into the cycle of cognitive decline, dementia and Alzheimer's disease. The new study finds that if you have a higher genetic risk for Alzheimer's, the DDT can worsen it and speed you on the path toward disease. DDT is still in the soil and water in many parts of the USA, UK and EEC as well as other areas and countries where it was sprayed intensively for agricultural use, even 40 years after it was banned. Some poorer nations still use DDT -- including some that supply produce and frozen foods that fill our supermarkets. The DDT you've been exposed to in the past could still be in your body today. Studies have shown it can remain inside you for a decade. The key to eating is organic foods, vegetables and meats. This will also help eliminate exposure to other dangerous chemicals, drugs, plastics chemicals, metals and pesticides found in food and water. And of course, you'll eat better and healthier foods.


    Adapted from Mark Stenglers House Calls News Letter.


    This article links in with something we have discussed before, in the article concerning sleep, amyloid proteins and the circulation of both the blood and lymphatic system to the brain.

    We are all aware of the increase of new road degenerative disease in the population.   It would seem to me that this is particularly appropriate use for Ark1 L-arginine based formula for its role in increasing oxygenation to the tissue and also enabling increased detoxification and neurological circulation during the sleep cycle.  It is a well-known phenomena with Alzheimer's that they have sleep issues, it may well be that L-arginine specifically the Ark one formula will be able to redress this.

    Increasingly in practice I am being asked by parents advice on younger members of their family or relations who have been diagnosed with neuro-degenerative disorders, we know that diet plays a great role in these conditions, essential fatty acids, iodine and a blood sugar stabilising diet all have key roles in this very complex area of natural medicine.

      The Naturopath

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