Click on Jessie Reimers' petition ( She rightly writes:
It is time that the public at large learn the truth about ‘heart healthy’ advice so that they can protect themselves and their loved ones from not only heart disease but many other chronic, degenerative illnesses including cancer, Alzheimer’s, macular degeneration and arthritis that I believe are strongly contributed to by poor nutritional advice based on dodgy science for the sake of money.
The Heart Foundation currently advises that we steer clear of ‘dangerous’ saturated fats, consume margarine, vegetable and seed oils, keep our cholesterol low, low, low and consume foods with the tick of approval, all of which are highly processed, toxic and many of which contain huge amounts of sugar (for example Milo Cereal which is 27% refined sugar).
They claim that this advice is based on solid scientific evidence- however the evidence they continue to produce is very outdated and has been shown to have had the data manipulated. All I am finding is more and more evidence to suggest that saturated fat and cholesterol are NOT associated with cardiovascular disease and that this idea was based on an extremely faulty study by Ancel Keys who cherry picked data in an attempt to prove what he wanted to prove. If all of the data had been used they would have found absolutely NO correlation between saturated fat and heart disease- yet somehow this out-dated and even dangerous hypothesis is clung to so that margarine, cholesterol lowering medications and all manner of unnecessary and toxic products can be sold.
Here is an example of evidence to suggest that saturated fat and cholesterol do not cause heart disease. This is a MASSIVE meta-analysis involving many studies and a huge amount of people.
Christine Cronau- Author of the Fat Revolution (and signatory of this petition) has put together a massive compilation of relevant studies which can be found here
In fact saturated fat and dietary cholesterol from natural, healthy sources such as butter from grass fed cows, animal fats from naturally raised animals, eggs (including the cholesterol filled yolk), unrefined coconut oil etc have been found to be extremely beneficial to health and actually assist in protecting, NOT causing cardiovascular disease. There has been a great deal of research and science to show this which has been largely ignored by the medical and scientific communities and by Heart Foundations and nutritional authorities around the world. Some of these researchers, scientists, authors, nutritionists etc include Cyndi O’Meara, Dr Sandra Cabot, Gary Taubes, Sally Fallon, Christine Cronau, David Gillespie, Uffe Ranskov, Anthony Colpo and there are many others. It is time people learned the truth. The current advice CONTRIBUTES to inflammation, heart disease, obesity, diabetes, cancer and a whole host of unpleasant and unnecessary medical complications.
Honestly it just seems absolutely ridiculous that a health authority like the Heart Foundation whom many of the public trust and listen to, advise to eat a diet made up of mostly processed carbohydrates in the form of cereal, bread and pasta, consume margarine and toxic oils, processed sugar filled foods filled with additives, preservatives, colours and flavours and which are devoid of essential nutrients and products that contain aspartame. How can they honestly say that this will protect people against cardiovascular disease?
We need to be educating people to eat REAL, whole food. Actual food that contains vitamins, minerals and all that the body requires to operate and protect itself effectively. This isn't rocket science, it is simply what humans have always done and now suddenly we have rampant cases of heart disease, obesity, type 2 diabetes, cancer and chronic degenerative illness. Clearly these new ideas are failing everyone.
It is time that the public at large learn the truth about ‘heart healthy’ advice so that they can protect themselves and their loved ones from not only heart disease but many other chronic, degenerative illnesses including cancer, Alzheimer’s, macular degeneration and arthritis that I believe are strongly contributed to by poor nutritional advice based on dodgy science for the sake of money.
The Heart Foundation currently advises that we steer clear of ‘dangerous’ saturated fats, consume margarine, vegetable and seed oils, keep our cholesterol low, low, low and consume foods with the tick of approval, all of which are highly processed, toxic and many of which contain huge amounts of sugar (for example Milo Cereal which is 27% refined sugar).
They claim that this advice is based on solid scientific evidence- however the evidence they continue to produce is very outdated and has been shown to have had the data manipulated. All I am finding is more and more evidence to suggest that saturated fat and cholesterol are NOT associated with cardiovascular disease and that this idea was based on an extremely faulty study by Ancel Keys who cherry picked data in an attempt to prove what he wanted to prove. If all of the data had been used they would have found absolutely NO correlation between saturated fat and heart disease- yet somehow this out-dated and even dangerous hypothesis is clung to so that margarine, cholesterol lowering medications and all manner of unnecessary and toxic products can be sold.
Here is an example of evidence to suggest that saturated fat and cholesterol do not cause heart disease. This is a MASSIVE meta-analysis involving many studies and a huge amount of people.
Christine Cronau- Author of the Fat Revolution (and signatory of this petition) has put together a massive compilation of relevant studies which can be found here
In fact saturated fat and dietary cholesterol from natural, healthy sources such as butter from grass fed cows, animal fats from naturally raised animals, eggs (including the cholesterol filled yolk), unrefined coconut oil etc have been found to be extremely beneficial to health and actually assist in protecting, NOT causing cardiovascular disease. There has been a great deal of research and science to show this which has been largely ignored by the medical and scientific communities and by Heart Foundations and nutritional authorities around the world. Some of these researchers, scientists, authors, nutritionists etc include Cyndi O’Meara, Dr Sandra Cabot, Gary Taubes, Sally Fallon, Christine Cronau, David Gillespie, Uffe Ranskov, Anthony Colpo and there are many others. It is time people learned the truth. The current advice CONTRIBUTES to inflammation, heart disease, obesity, diabetes, cancer and a whole host of unpleasant and unnecessary medical complications.
Honestly it just seems absolutely ridiculous that a health authority like the Heart Foundation whom many of the public trust and listen to, advise to eat a diet made up of mostly processed carbohydrates in the form of cereal, bread and pasta, consume margarine and toxic oils, processed sugar filled foods filled with additives, preservatives, colours and flavours and which are devoid of essential nutrients and products that contain aspartame. How can they honestly say that this will protect people against cardiovascular disease?
We need to be educating people to eat REAL, whole food. Actual food that contains vitamins, minerals and all that the body requires to operate and protect itself effectively. This isn't rocket science, it is simply what humans have always done and now suddenly we have rampant cases of heart disease, obesity, type 2 diabetes, cancer and chronic degenerative illness. Clearly these new ideas are failing everyone.